25 Feb 2013
CampJS February 2013 Pictures
Here's some great images of CampJS courtesy of one of our workshoppers, Andrey Sidorov:

25 Feb 2013
Here's some great images of CampJS courtesy of one of our workshoppers, Andrey Sidorov:
25 Feb 2013
Sounds like CampJS went pretty well! Thanks everyone for making it such a cool event.
9 Feb 2013
Please meet Chris, he's a cool dude from BlackBerry, and he'll be hanging out with us at CampJS for the weekend:
9 Feb 2013
Each workshop can run up to 3 hours, at the discretion of the presenter & participants.
I have tried to stagger workshop start times, so if two sessions you wish to attend overlap, at least you can attend part of both.
Schedule is subject to change.
Friday 15th February 2013
Saturday 16th February 2013
Sunday 17th February 2013
Monday 18th February 2013
This schedule is up on lanyrd so you can add this to your calendar. You don't need to print this we'll provide a copy at the event.
6 Feb 2013
CampJS is running a BlackBerry hackathon in support of BlackBerry's recently announced phone and mobile platform.
There will be two categories:
We're pretty excited by this, firstly because cash prizes are awesome, secondly because BlackBerry is offering dollars for open-source tools (+1 BlackBerry, supporting open-source ecosystem is a great move, IMO) and thirdly because their webkit-powered browser supports WebGL, which means you should be able to get voxeljs running on it. Nice!
6 Feb 2013
We'll be building a simple trello-like task management app from the ground up in meteor.
We'll cover the basics of the framework while building the tool. We'll then use the tool to manage individuals or small groups who we'll guide through making their own contribution to improving the tool itself.
Tom is co-creator of Meteorite, which allows 3rd party packages in meteor; as well as Telescope (a large open source meteor app).
Daryl is the director at CommonCode, a Django/Python/JS/Meteor crew in Melbourne.
Use streaming libraries for everything from composable I/O to implementing your own custom streams!
Dominic is a self-described mad scientist and has written incredible bleeding-edge libraries for node.js. Dominic specialises in distributed systems.
A short introduction to the concepts of Remote Storage, an open standard for per-user storage.
We will integrate remoteStorage.js into a simple example app together, blessing it with a storage backend, syncing and offline capabilities without touching any server code. You should then be able to try it yourself and unhost apps of your choice.
Martin is a JavaScript app developer from Berlin, Germany. Coming from a more traditional web programming and frontend background, he has focused on pure single-page apps for some time now. Martin is passionate about an open web being part of the unhosted movement.
Get the modular minecraft-esque JS game engine running on your computer and make your first game. Also learn the fundamentals of Node.
Max is the dude behind tacoconf, gather, voxeljs and jsforcats.
James is an influential, prolific node.js module author and co-founder of browserling and testling.
The most powerful aspects of JavaScript are often those which confuse developers the most, especially those coming from other languages. In this workshop you'll learn to leverage JavaScript's most lovable parts to write better applications, and fear JavaScript no longer.
Geoffrey Donaldson is a frontend web application developer and professional mentor. Geoff previously worked on SproutCore and more recently full-stack frameworks in general.
Learn to harness your existing JavaScript skill to create desktop applications using webkit-based node.js UI libraries such as node-webkit & appjs, as well as native UI clients such as node-x11 & node-qt.
Andrey is the author of node-dbus, nodejs-mysql-native, node-rfb2> and node-x11 network protocol clients in node.js. He has worked at Yandex before moving to Australia, currently works at Locomote.
DocPad is a next generation web framework that brings you all the best practices over the years without all the clutter.
Built on top of Node.js, Express.js, and Backbone.js it is a fantastic architecture to extend as well as a great platform for learning the underlying technologies by dog-fooding them. For instance, you can get started with a pre-made node.js website in a few minutes, hook into the express.js web server to write your custom routes in a few more, and hook into the Backbone.js database to perform advanced queries and content listings in a few more. DocPad is often a lot people's first experience with Node.js, and for some even Web Development in general, they still fly by.
By the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with the ability to:
Benjamin is founder of BevryMe, DocPad, StartupHostel and HistoryJS. He's an aficionado of JavaScript, Node.js, Open-Source and HTML5.
Want to build web apps for your tablet or smartphone? This workshop is for you! Learn what it takes to deliver a native mobile experience using the web technology you already know. This workshop will cover responsive design, multi-touch events, hardware acceleration and more. Bring your tablets and phones with you, we will be building an app that works well on your device!
Tanzeeb is a developer at XtremeLabs Inc., one of the largest mobile development shops in North America. He's got over a decade of professional experience in kick-ass frontend and backend web development.
The Backbone workshop will be revolve around building a very simple social network app as a single page application using Backbone 0.9.1. Building off an example RESTful server we will cover topics such as workflow, security, sessions and application structure. Understanding basic concepts of CSS/HTML and Javascript will help but everyone should be able to participate.
Thomas has been working with Backbone.js from the day it was released. Thomas runs backbonetutorials.com, a popular resource for anyone interested in Backbone.
He also maintains cdnjs, a content distribution network hosting many popular Javascript libraries.
Workshops on Ember and D3!
30 Jan 2013
Announcing the latest addition to the CampJS lineup: Max Ogden! Max and Substack are responsbile for voxel.js: a modular, BSD licesed, voxel engine that allows you to build interactive, voxel-based worlds in the browser; i.e. open-source Minecraft in JavaScript!
Substack is joining forces with Max to run a voxeljs workshop for us at CampJS, so you'll have the chance to build your first voxel world and learn how to voxel.js from the authors themselves. Yes, this is awesome.
so excited to venture into the Australian gold coast hinterland in 2 weeks for @campjsnews !!! bringing @voxeljs to the southern hemisphere
— max ogden (@maxogden) January 30, 2013
5 Jan 2013
Buy a ticket before the 10th of January and receive a 75% discount code for 3 sensational books by Reginald Braithwaite:
At $15.99 each, that's ~$36 of additional value just by reserving your place at CampJS before January 10th.
As an additional gift, all CampJS ticket holders also receive a free copy of Reginald Braithwaite's How to Do What You Love & Earn What You’re Worth as a Programmer
Early Bird ticket holders don't dismay: as a thanks for your eager support for CampJS, you should have received a free copy of JavaScript Allongé and discount codes for the other Raganwald books in your email.
Please help me by extending a big thanks to Reginald Braithwaite for supporting CampJS with his incredible generousity.
27 Dec 2012
Edit 27 Jan: Dang. Unfortunately, Alex is no longer available to come to CampJS.
All our special guests thus far have made names for themselves in the Node.JS ecosystem, client-side developers must feel somewhat under-represented. But no more, today I am pleased to announce: creator of the Spine Framework, author of JavaScript Web Applications, and by all counts at least a reasonably nice guy, Alex MacCaw, is coming to CampJS!
Alex is an international speaker, has worked at Twitter, currently works for Stripe and has long been a prolific open-source developer with many popular GitHub projects: Spine, juggernaught, macgap and ace, to name a few. Alex is coming to CampJS to hang out, share some knowledge and some beverages.
It's a rare luxury to have so many industry legends like Alex, substack and Dominic Tarr joining us in Australia. Capitalise on this infrequent occurance by making sure to reserve a CampJS ticket!.
24 Dec 2012
Today I am proud to announce that prolific Node.JS module author, international speaker, influential and opinionated Node community leader, the one and only substack will be joining us at CampJS.
He's the author of dnode, browserify and the definitive handbook on Node Streams, while holding second place in npm contributor rankings. Substack is one of the biggest names in the Node.JS world and he's coming to CampJS.
Don't miss this opportunity to meet substack, dominictarr and other, yet to be announced, influential JavaScript developers. Get your tickets today, it's totally worth it.
24 Dec 2012
Yes, it's called CampJS. Yes, we've used pictures of tents in our branding. But, no, you do not need to bring tents. You will be sleeping in comfortable beds. We could have used dormitories in our branding, but I have a soft spot for triangular prisms.
Here's some pics of the venue, from RailsCamp, early 2013:
Photos by Aaron Moodie & Keith Pitty. Scraped from flickrhivemind
23 Dec 2012
One of the goals of CampJS is to bring the most awesome JavaScript talent in Australia and worldwide together to hang out. It with this goal in mind, I happily announce a most awesome guest: Dominic Tarr! Dominic has published over 150 modules on npm, has worked with nodejitsu, appeared on the NodeUp podcast and spoken at various conferences around the world, and we are lucky enough to be able to hang out with him in person at CampJS.
Stay tuned for more "awesome guest" announcements!
22 Dec 2012
Early Bird tickets have been released. These are the cheapest tickets that will be available for CampJS: only $270 for a whole weekend of food, drinks and awesome JavaScript developers. Don't miss out, they're limited in number, and only available 'till the end of the year!
21 Dec 2012
Without further ado, the first round of CampJS tickets will be available Saturday, 22 December. 9am EST
20 Dec 2012
Workshops are 3 – 4 hour sessions that will run on Saturday and Sunday mornings + afternoons, with the goal of each participant having creating something by the end of the session.
We have a few workshops lined up (announcment coming soon), but there's room for more!
For developers, this is your chance to get a free ticket to CampJS and impress your peers by simply holding an approved workshop for some non-commercial software. For companies, this is a great opportunity to connect directly with developers.
Commercial ventures should apply by selecing a sponsorship deal.
Contact Tim Oxley if you have questions.
Select a sponsorship package
then get in touch with us timo@campjs.com